Features Books



Is the Holy Spirit drawing you to a time of renewal in your spiritual life? Are you tired of carrying around all of the burdens of things in your past? Do you know how to get to the place in the Lord where you know you are walking according to His plan for your life?

Yearning for Renewal is the first of a new Women’s Discipleship Study, LifeRenewer’s. LifeRenewer’s studies will open the doors for you and the women in your church and community to come together to study God’s Word. At the end of the twelve weeks, you will be well on your way to becoming the person God had planned for you all along. Your life and the lives of the women who join you on this journey will be changed. In addition, you each can then receive a certificate for memorizing the scriptures included in this study.

Yearning for Renewal, takes you through the process of casting off things that God never intended you to wear or carry. It teaches you how to apply Scriptures to your life day by day. These scriptures will break strongholds and set you free. Not only will this study renew you in your spirit and relationship with the Lord, it will help you to discover how to stay renewed in your Christian walk.

Invite a few friends, from your church or community and start today to renew yourselves in the Lord! He is waiting!


Life is like a vapor, here and then gone. Along the way are experiences that can lead to dysfunction, addiction, mental illness and abuse. The pages of this book contain the testimony of one who faced a choice between life and death and chose life. Her message of hope and healing has led others who were broken to discover a life of wholeness. Many are living in darkness as a result of believing the lies of Satan. Deliverance comes when we transform our thinking by receiving God's truth. Like A Vapor is a journey that takes one from brokenness to wholeness and darkness into light.